About The Event
Book Fair 2023 Opening Ceremony with Guest of Honor Mayor Denise Phua hosted by 96.3 好FM DJ: De Ming 王德明!
Organised by Bras Basah Complex Merchants’ Association with 城市阅读节 City Reading SG supported by The Federation of Merchants’ Associations, Singapore 新加坡全国商联总会 and Heartland Enterprise Centre Singapore we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all partners for their support to make the day a successful one.
With a line up of performance showcasing our talented merchants Intune Music and Drum Performance by Drum Prodigy Singapore, free consultation by Aik Kong Tong TCM as well as our children’s art competition, we also have Mayor Denise Phua who officiated our opening ceremony along with FMAS President, Mr Yeo Hiang Meng, BBM, who delivered his speech, as well.