About The Event
The seven galleries include G Art Gallery 近意画廊, Fine Arts Development Global Pte Ltd “艺 展社” “古玩书画艺术坊”, Si Bao Zhai Arts Gallery 四宝斋, Nanyang Gallery 南洋画店, TielinThe seven galleries include G Art Gallery 近意画廊, Fine Arts Development Global Pte Ltd “艺 展社” “古玩书画艺术坊”, Si Bao Zhai Arts Gallery 四宝斋, Nanyang Gallery 南洋画店, Tieling Art Gallery 集雅轩, Pin Xuan Ge 品轩阁 and Cape of Good Hope Art Gallery 好望角 画廊.g Art Gallery 集雅轩, Pin Xuan Ge 品轩阁 and Cape of Good Hope Art Gallery 好望角 画廊.