Fun filled weekend of celebrative party of songs, games and interactions with Love 972FM and Djs at Bras Basah Complex atrium 谢谢你的爱 as they give back to their beloved audience for the support over the…
Some highlights you can look forward to on tour: – Did you know Bras Basah Complex has interesting murals? – Visit shops that have been around for more than 30 years – 你可知道百胜楼独特的壁画? -…
第37届的新加坡书展“新起点” 从6月4日到12日进行! 今年的新加坡书展有许多精彩活动,包括了大家期待的《好想跟你唱新谣》音乐会。 到场演唱的有 96.3好FM DJ 以及本地新谣唱将黄宏墨老师、邓淑娴老师和刘锦祥老师。 记得到场支持! 日期:6月5日(星期天) 时间:下午3点…
In conjunction with Singapore Art Week 2022, seven galleries at Bras Basah Complex come together to present an event that exhibits more than 200 works of art from 14 January to 23 January…
Bras Basah Complex Merchants Association held our very first Arts Day on 11 January 2020. With exciting art programs for all ages including drawing competitions, calligraphy demonstrations, art gallery exhibitions. It was indeed a happy and joyous occasion. Gracing the event was also our Guest of…
Originally dubbed the “City of Books”, discover books for all ages at our bi-annual book fair. Hunt for the best deals and expand horizons through a greater exchange of knowledge, culture and ideas! Some interesting titles to bring your children to our BBC complex book fair till 27 Nov this coming…